
Transparent background on UIView

aView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];

To have the background of UIView transparent you have to set the background color to "clearColor" programatically like this:
aView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
I wonder why there aren't the option to do that on IB....

My most frequent error when working with Interface Builder

Interface BuilderでUIを作って XCode でビューコントローラを書いたものの全く何も動かない・・・
というケースがよくあるんですが、僕の場合ほとんど原因は IB書類のセーブ忘れ;

Having built a neat UI on the Interface Builder and
a nice view controller on XCode but
nothing reacts at all....
In such situation, most of the case I forgot to save the IB document after changing.
Pretty silly, but I do this very often, and spend a certain length of time until I notice...